This year I turned over the decorating of the Easter table to the kids. For every beautifully decorated table though, there is a staging area right? Behind the scenes, there are wrappers strewn all over (everywhere except on the table or in the garbage). Just to the right of where the camera and Easter table officially stops, there is half eaten toast and cups full of dye for eggs. There is a note about pizza day smudged with pizza from last night and paint for the eggs is congealing in the open air, still, 3 days later. Those things will not be remembered though, will they? I'll look back at these and remember the happy moments in equinox light that my kids were excited to do this task for me and for us and to beckon spring with these objects they had lovingly made or salvaged from other years. And it will also help me remember that it was the first time ever that I learned how to evacuate eggs. I used to put the painted eggs back in the fridge each nigh...