I have observed these past few sugar rush filled days that with Hallowe'en candy eating is only a small fraction of what kids like to do with it. Getting it, redistributing it, and planning what to do with it take up a lot of the time spent with it. Before they even head out to get the candy, the kids talked for weeks about their plans for saving, stockpiling and/or recommissioning the candy (we could give it as Christmas gifts) after they got it. Once it was safely back home after being lugged through the streets, it was piled, counted, sorted, categorized, briefly packed up and taken to the library to ensure they weren't too far from it and then finally became stock in a hand made vending machine (with a slot for parents' money) and then arranged as a homebased "snack shack" complete with a price list. It was even taped together to form a pattern.
Briefly they had a sizeable amount of anything (bonus being that it was as desirable as candy) and that mean they had leverage for trading and could afford to share it generously. They don't usually have money or commodities worth trading, expect when the tooth fairy comes. Here is their chance to manage something that their parents are willing to pay them money for.
The candy was eaten alright. But it was plentiful for a while and with that plenty came all sorts of possibilities.
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