Tiny hairs are going up on tiny necks. They are embracing the night and the nocturnal animals and the role playing until tomorrow night(probably all this preparation will have a lingering effect for a while after that). My son has grasped counting down thanks to Hallowe'en. He keeps us up to date on how close the big night is. Both kids are primed and ready to be finally ready for whatever it this night of walking in shadows (not to mention gusts of wind and rain) has to offer. After all the hype and 2 (and counting) Hallowe'en parties and planning and revising of Hallowe'en costumes, it is almost finally here--along with a post-tropical storm. The good thing about this weather is that the long underwear and snowsuits are not required, although the rain boots, and potentially, a recycling bag with a head and arm holes cut out of it will be in order,but it will all hardly deter us. I look forward to finding out what my son ...