When anyone becomes an authority, that is the end of him as far as development is concerned. (1948) Frank Lloyd Wright Do you consider yourself an expert in something? Have you been called one before? Recently, I was. Instead of feeling full of pride, I felt deflated and stuck. I had to ask myself why. Well, for one thing, the term expert is so loosely used that we all get to be one, one way or another. Lately, I've been noticing the term "expert" increasingly being bandied about in my work but also at dinner parties, thrown around in a half joking/ half serious way of describing a person's knowledge. Secondly, experts are not necessarily that accurate or reliable. I myself flat out refuse to learn some things because I reason an expert is already doing all the heavy lifting in that area and they can think it through for me. As it turns out, when I watched the Doc Zone's documentary, The Trouble with Experts , I am not the only one....