So, if you are not sure what Baby split with company means, you are not alone. Perhaps it is because you are not a serious enough bowler and even if you are, perhaps you learned to bowl in a different jurisdiction than where this term is used. It seems, upon a preliminary research quest, that even in bowling language there are dialects. Fence posts: The 7-10 split. (bed posts, goal posts, mule ears, snake eyes) I love bowling. I love bowling alleys more. Like many things, I've become reacquainted with them since having kids. I have been reminded of their charm and their elusive je ne sais quo that persists even as I experience them as an adult. With a few exceptions, bowling alleys, while many of them have been outmanoeuvred and have been supplanted by storage facilities and pubs, have, if they have survived, endured largely unchanged. What exists already works fine and is functional enough that they don't need to be replaced. ...