The fourth post I wrote on this blog was called Artifactual Communication . It came to me one day a couple of days after I started the blog when I overhead my husband listening to a talk about it on the internet. It started to turn some gears in my mind and I can still remember the rush of endorphins that coarsed through me as I turned an out of context, random idea into something personal. I knew little about artifactual communication, still don't, but the general concept struck a chord as I began my journey paying closer attention to my surroundings. Since then, that post has been viewed more than any other post I've written. People in Thailand, Australia, Ukraine, the U.K., Brazil and Indonesia and South Africa have read it and it makes me want to know what they were looking for. Did they find it in the post? Maybe or maybe not, but somehow, in a tenuous way, we connected, however briefly. Life got exceedingly hectic in the inte...